im体育APP的功能可以适应商业所需的HIRF测试级别, 军事, and aircraft manufacturer standards. With experts actively involved in RTCA Special Committee 135, and the SAE AE4 HIRF/EUROCAE WG-14 Joint Working Group, 我们致力于保持im体育平台app下载的领先地位,并帮助您了解技术要求.


What is HIRF测试?



Aircraft level HIRF测试 standards?


  • FAA HIRF Rule and AC 20-158. 所有 CW, SW, and Pulse test levels, for ALL Environments
  • RTCA/DO-160D /E/F/G. 所有 CW, SW, and Pulse test levels, for all Categories, including Cat. L
  • Boeing D6-16050-4/-5/-6. 所有 CW, SW, and Pulse test levels
  • Airbus ABD0100.1.2、E/F/G. 所有 CW, SW, and Pulse test levels
  • MIL-STD-464A/C. 所有 CW, SW, and Pulse test levels
  • ADS-37A-PRF, Table I, Part A & B. 所有 CW, SW, AM, FM, and Pulse test levels
  • Def-Stan 59-41 & 59 - 411 DRS02.B. 所有 Air, Sea and Land CW, SW, AM and Pulse Levels



HIRF测试 equipment


混响室使用反射桨来“搅拌”射频,以确保没有空洞,场强在整个室中保持均匀. 桨可以连续旋转(搅拌)或以阶跃方式旋转(调谐)。, the speed or coarseness of which can be adjusted to suit your requirements.

We provide both Mode Tuned 测试, and Mode Stirred 测试 for both slow and high cycling equipment, allowing us to test both long and short dwell times


Direct Illumination vs. Reverberation: 测试 for HIRF Levels

有两种主要的测试HIRF水平的方法:直接照明和混响. Both have their own set of benefits.


Direct Illumination

通常被认为是测试HIRF调节的常规方法, 直接照明测试使我们能够专注于组件的特定区域, as well as quickly evaluate smaller Equipment Under Test (EUT). 该测试采用高增益天线和脉冲放大器,产生高达3000 V/m的场和高达40µs的脉冲宽度, 通常符合但不限于RTCA做- 160G G类表20-3的要求;


频率 V / M (PM)
400 - 700 mhz 700
700 - 1000兆赫 700
1 - 2 GHz 2000
2 - 4 GHz 3000
4 - 6 GHz 3000
6 - 8 GHz 1000
8 - 12兆赫 3000
12 - 18 GHz 2000


Because this method relies more on concentrated RF energy, 与混响测试相比,故障阈值水平更容易确定. 使用直接照明法而不是混响法的另一个好处是,测试样品所需的支持设备通常不像被测试设备那样受到很好的保护. With Direct Illumination, 由于所使用的天线具有聚焦波束宽度,因此可以减少该设备的无意照明.



而直接照明对于较小的eut和具有高风险组件的产品是有帮助的, 混响测试对于需要多个天线位置的大型设备来说是一种更快的方法. 除了立即照亮整个EUT并提供实际的“最坏情况”之外,, 混响测试可以达到超过直接照明能力的极高场强.


If your customer has not specified a preference, we can offer valuable advice on the best route for your product. 然而, whether you choose direct illumination or reverberation, 通过在设计阶段早期考虑几个关键点,可以很容易地避免HIRF测试失败的一些最常见原因, 如:

  • 确保外壳的有效性有足够的幅度,以将传入的射频降低到敏感元件可以承受的水平.
  • 确保电缆和连接器经过良好的屏蔽和过滤,具有360度终端
  • Minimizing and avoiding slots (air vents etc.) when possible
  • Avoiding conductive loops



Benefits of using the Reverberation method of HIRF 测试


  • Randomly polarized, i.e. the phase between all waves is random.
  • Spatially uniform, i.e. the energy density in the chamber is uniform everywhere.
  • 各向同性,我.e. the energy flow in all directions is the same.
  • 无论在房间的哪个位置进行现场测量,结果都是一样的.
  • EUT的空间重构对这些测量的影响最小.
  • 混响室在一次完整的测试中模拟所有的波偏振和入射角.



HIRF Aircraft 测试

With the increased use of composite materials in aircraft fuselages, 在电磁环境中,敏感的电子设备对高场强的射频屏蔽较少. 这可能导致意外暴露于每米数千伏的射频能量,这有可能导致设备故障. 


RTCA-DO-160 (G)规定系统的所有六个面都必须进行辐射敏感性测试. 由于在混响室中产生的场的均匀性, this can be achieved with only one test run, as opposed to six when using the conventional semi-anechoic chamber method, resulting in significant time and cost savings. 


所有 HIRF tests are performed under complete computer control for both Direct Illumination and the alternative Reverberation method. 还有额外的灵活性,以提供几乎任何频率步长, pulse duty cycle, or modulation type. 



The im体育APP Advantage

im体育APP has heavily invested in ensuring our EMC和EMI testing capabilities match the increasingly demanding levels for HIRF测试. We partner with product manufacturers from R&根据市场实际情况进行创新,以确保您的产品每次都能准时进入市场. Contact our expert team for more information.


Key Points to Consider when Preparing to Test Military and 国防 Equipment

im体育APP提供国防制造商在资格认证期间所需的广泛测试和验证服务,以帮助满足军事标准的严格要求. These include Def standard 59-411 and Mil standard 461, as well as more specific aerospace standards such as RTCA做- 160 for indirect and direct lightning testing. im体育官方app下载

CE Mark Requirements for UK MoD 国防 Equipment

现在在CADMID周期中更早地考虑资格表现, 在设计和原型阶段测试的产品通过降低风险获得了显著的收益, cost savings and faster approval times, allowing earlier delivery to the MoD. im体育官方app下载

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